Sustainable Agriculture

Enerion develops a global approach to increase and guarantee the sustainability and continuous improvement requirements of products and organizations.


At the management level, our services entail the incorporation of a Sustainability Code based on indicators and recognized compliance requirements. In terms of activities, we design Biochar Production and Use projects, as well as Conservation Agriculture projects.

Conservation agriculture

This form of agriculture aims to conserve, improve and make the use of natural resources more efficient and durable through an integrated and conscious management of soil, water and rural landscape.


Conservation agriculture contributes to the conservation of the environment, as well as to the support and improvement of agricultural and agri-food production, examples of this are:

  • Minimal soil disturbance (eg through no-tillage or reduced tillage).
  • Permanent soil cover (eg via cover crops, residues and vegetative mulch).
  • Associations and rotations of diversified crops.


Enerion is a pioneer in the design and application of conservation agriculture techniques, through an integrated approach to agronomic, environmental and economic aspects.

Conservation agriculture

Production and use of Biochar

Production and use of Biochar

Also called biochar, biochar is produced from the pyrolysis of biomass. Once introduced into the soil, it has a powerful and recognized effect on its global fertility, allowing it to store the carbon contained in a stable way and thus contributing to the sequestration of carbon dioxide and consequently to the fight against climate change.


The recent approval of official methodologies containing the procedures and factors necessary to determine the climate benefits of biochar production and use today represents a real opportunity for the entire supply chain.


With many years of experience in biochar research, promotion and dissemination, our team provides project design services for its production from biomass residues. We also assist in the design of projects for use in agricultural or forestry plantations, this being a form of carbon farming and therefore eligible to obtain carbon credits.

Sustainability Code 360

The 360 ​​Sustainability Code has been developed by Enerion as a management tool to measure, improve and communicate - and even certify - the sustainability performance of agricultural and agri-food production.


The code makes it possible to guarantee that an organization complies with the sustainability requirements and their improvement over time. Thanks to this instrument, the company integrates product quality with environmental awareness, food safety, consumer health and the enhancement of heritage, historical, cultural, ecological and scenic aspects.


Our company is the ideal partner to face the challenges of the market and take advantage of the opportunities of the new environmental responsibility as an innovative marketing tool.

Sustainability Code 360


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